#kiko hawthorne
blacksapphicguide · 1 year
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Lightyear (Movie)
2022 movie Animation, Action, Adventure, Family, Sci-Fi.
Plot points:
Disney movie.
Friendship and chosen family.
Sci-Fi exploration and discovery.
Interracial lesbian couple (secondary).
Black sapphic chaarcters:
Alisha Hawthorne [lesbian] VA: Uzo Aduba
Alisha x Kiko (interracial: black x asian)
Sex & Nudity - None
Violence & Gore - Very Mild
Characters fight with lasers, harpoons and blades. (no blood detail)
Use of weapons.
Profanity - None
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking - None
Frightening & Intense Scenes - Very Mild
Scenes of being chased and an air of peril.
Few jump scares.
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chaoticrebels · 9 months
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NAME : Matthew Joshua Brooks NICKNAME : Matt, Mattie, Matty, MJ AGE : 30-40 BIRTH DATE : January 1st GENDER : Male ORIENTATION : Pansexual LOCATION : London, England PROFESSION : Tattoo Artist, Bartender SPECIES : Human SPOKEN LANGUAGES : English, French HEIGHT : 6'2" WEIGHT : 172 lbs HAIR : Brunette EYES : Blue TATTOOS : Several PIERCINGS : A Few SCARS : A Few FACE CLAIM : Neil Newbon
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Zachary was planned, Andrew and Matthew was a surprise
He is ten minutes younger than Andrew, twenty minutes younger than Zachary
Andrew is the more angelic twin while Matthew is the more devilish twin
He is closer to his mother than his father
His father is a rich asshole who is too busy for his family but when one of his kids act out of line, he will smack them.
Is an abuse victim
Is slightly afraid of his father
Zachary and Andrew has tried their best to look out for him
Had gotten yelled at by their father for convincing Drew to get tattoos and piercings with him
His family is highly religious, more so with his grandparents than parents.
Isn't as religious as his family
Was an edgy angst filled reckless teenager who got into several fights
Is still an edgy reckless trouble marker at times
Has three cats named Oreo, Cookie, Marshmallow
Was in a car accident that left him fighting for his life and caused him to lose his fiancé and mother of his child
Emily's parents disliked him, especially her father who blames him for corrupting their daughter and her death
Blames himself for the accident due to his reckless driving that night
His son had barely turned four when the accident happened
Gotten in a fight with his father the morning of the accident over his mother which got him in trouble with his boss
Got into a fight with his soon to be father in law and fiancé ex boyfriend the night of the accident
Knows how to sing
Drives a motorcycle
Paints his nails
Has studied martial arts
Is adept with numerous weapons
Knows how to change his voice and was tempted to be a voice actor at one point
Is like a cat when it comes to affection
No control on what comes out of his lips
Owns his own bar and tattoo shop
Comes from a wealthy family
Is wealthy even without his family money
Dislikes tea, prefers coffee or hot coco
Likes to sleep in the middle of the bed, prefers the right side when sleeping with someone.
Has an possessive and obsessive ex named Preston who thinks he still owns him, they've known each other since they were kids since their fathers are friends.
Can play the guitar, electric and acoustic
Can skateboard, loves to skateboard
Loves adventures and loves to explore
Is allergic to cranberries and pineapples
Only cares for a few animals and insects
Hates cockroaches and worms
Thaddeus Joseph Brooks - Father
Ariel Malia Brooks - Mother
Andrew Noah Brooks - Twin Brother
Zachary Demetrius Brooks - Twin Brother
Rebecca Elizabeth Brooks - Sister
Emily Rosalie Carmichael †- Fiancé
Astarion Judas Brooks - Son
Kenan Joel Brooks - Paternal Grandfather
Robyn Michaela Aurelia Brooks - Paternal Grandmother
Mary Catherine Brooks - Paternal Aunt
Aiden Theodore Evans - Maternal Grandfather
Primrose Noelle Evans - Maternal Grandmother
Rochelle Maria Evans - Maternal Aunt
Lucas James Moskovitz - Godfather
Preston Bartholomew Hawthorne - Ex
Rory Aiden Swift - Best Friend
Kiko Ember Swift - Best Friend
Hayden Kinsley Carmichael - Best Friend
Landon Killian Taylor - Best Friend / Coworker
Jayme Skye Holloway - Best Friend
Brennan James Kennedy - Enemy
Dalton Reed Kennedy - Enemy
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pinadosi · 1 year
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catherine-sketches · 2 years
Here is a interesting thing about a knee jerk reaction that I had while watching Lightyear (2022) yesterday.
Spoilers ahead:
When Buzz comes back from his first 4 minutes for him/4 years for everything else flight and he finds out that his friend Alisha has a fiancé now I Swear to you I was expecting the lines to be :
Buzz: That’s wonderful! What’s his name?
Alisha, smiling : Her name is Kiko.
But instead the lines went:
Buzz: that’s wonderful! What’s her name?
Alisha, smiling: Oh, her name is Kiko
And in hindsight of course he would ask “what’s her name?” Buzz and Alisha have been friends since the academy why the hell wouldn’t he know she is a lesbian???
But I think I’m so used to the “assume it’s a he before proven wrong” style lines that my brain was just… expecting it.
I was never happier to be wrong.
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toaverse · 2 years
Alisha and her beautiful family😊
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rickety-house · 2 years
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I’m tired I’m going to bed
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vv3spa · 2 years
if your still doing requests
how about Kiko and Alisha being cute together?
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i want a girlfriend so bad 💔
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famouslysleepy · 2 years
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them 💕
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stevengrantshubby · 2 years
so theres this post out there that does the math about how long buzz has been away, but ive lost it (im sure i liked it really recently, like today, but its not in there so idk) so this is just a ramble for myself
so i read buzz and alisha in their late 20s, mid 30s, no younger than 25. tho idk how, if at all, their space travels affected them. like i know you can be a candidate to be an astronaut at 26 and the internet tells me the average age is 34, tho space rangers feel different to a reg astronaut. also alisha gets pregnant at some point and i know after a certain time it becomes more difficult to get pregnant tho not impossible but im going off on a tangent so whatever! lets just say 30 for funsy. (tho if anyone has other ideas i would love to hear them, seriously cause idk a commander and a captain being 30 is like too young i think and i really just use a random number generator)
1st time buzz was gone for 4 years, 2 months, and 3 days. (if we're sticking with my random age then buzz is still 30, or whatever, and alisha is 34)
sox is given the crystal fusion project the next day when buzz is leaving again as i think its safe to assume that each flight buzz took was four years, some months, and some days (will be rounding down for the average month length).
sox worked on the project for 62 years, and my calculator says 62 divided by 4 is 15.5
flight 2 would added would total 8 years, 4 months and 6 days.
(note, alisha become pregnant between these two since im not 100% sure if it one or two but i think it happened before she turned 40)
flight 3: 12 years, 6 months, 9 days
(this is where we see alisha and kiko with their son, i think by this time alisha and kiko would be in her 40s. idk about animated kids, so lets call him...3 - 5)
flight 4: 16 years, 8 months, 12 days
(i think this is the 1st time buzz saw alisha visibly ages with my age shed be 46, buzz is still 30. also her kid is graduating something so at least 18)
flight 5: 20 years, 10 months, 15 days
flight 6: 21 years, 18 days
flight 7: 25 years, 2 months, 21 days
flight 8: 29 years, 4 months, 24 days
flight 9: 33 years, 6 months, 27 days
flight 10: 37 years, 9 months
(the 40th anniversary scene if my math is mathing and it might not be)
flight 11: 41 years, 11 months, 3 days
flight 12: 46 years, 1 month, 6 days
flight 13: 50 years, 3 months, 9 days
flights 14: 54 years, 5 months, 12 days
flight 15: 58 years, 7 months, 15 days
flight 16: 62 years, 9 months, 18 days
(alisha passed away, probably about 2 years after he left so shed be about 94 - 96 with the age i picked for her. izzy is already born and i think shes...again between 3 - 5 idk with animated kids, barely know with real children either outside of the ones im related to)
final flight adds 22 years, 4 months, and 17 days which ends with a total of 85 years, 2 months, and 5 days
(which would leave izzy at the youngest 25. also i feel like her parents are dead cause literally she never mentions them when talking about opening the laser shield which could be a writing mistake or not. and i think mo and buzz would both be 30 in this scenario and darby is in her like...60s at the youngest, i think the actor is in her 70s so yeah)
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confringo- · 6 years
So Im listening to Join the Party podcast
I am a new listener and i just want to say that there is no fanfiction and I feel like the internet failed me. However, here are some prompts for everyone:
-Jamie/Tracey high school AU where Tracey is a super friendly football player (or insert familiar sport) and Jamie is a goth kid and they’re paired up for a school project
-new sugar baby!Inara and lonely sugar mommy!alex
-Johnny B. Goodlight/Undying Shadow but kinda like Venom/Eddie (i know u ship it, it’s ok)
-Inara/Cassie had that Nat-20 been put to better use while they were in the tavern
-the story from Valentine’s POV. The fic is just brackets with pertinent noises in them
-Jamie getting Tracey’s letter and them showing up in Fidapolis. And like,, Tracey excitedly tours them.
-Tracey/Por0. I mean. Need i say more.
-Alonzo and Greg meeting for the first time.
-AU where Johnny is a single dad of two adopted teens. NEED I SAY MORE.
-James Bond AU where Inara is James Bond and Captain Alex is the bond girl.
-Sugar Daddy!Johnny B. Goodlight and Sugar Baby!Tracey except they dont have sex. Johnny just needs someone to keep him company. Tracey is relieved. They bond. Everyone cries.
-A Star is Born!Greg/Alonzo
I am no longer a young person with young person time but feel free to write any of these????
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speedygal · 2 years
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Alisha Hawthorne and her wife, Kiko, and her child Avery and her granddaughter Alisha. |  Lightyear - Read Aloud Story for Kids- Disney/Pixar
I can't wait for the montage.
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72crowe89 · 2 years
Lightyear: A Story in the Flashbacks
In my opinion, Lightyear could have been more interesting, more in line with typical Pixar fare, if the flashbacks themselves were the movie rather than a montage.
Rather than passively observing Alisha’s life, what if Buzz did so actively: going to her wedding with Kiko, playing with their son after he’s born, etc. It doesn’t even need to be just Alisha; Buzz can become acquaintances with other people and see how their lives change after each four years: marriages, new jobs, children, the whole bang. Maybe introduce a possible love interest who ultimately moves on to someone else. Show how the world transforms from a death world to a facsimile of society. Then, in spite how much his fellow passengers are living their lives, Buzz can’t shake his obsession with finishing the mission. With holding onto the past. 
Instead of Alisha just accepting it for 40 years, have her support it at first to actively convincing him to stop and live in the present. Have Alisha, Buzz’s best friend, come up with the idea to end the mission. Then, Buzz will feel betrayed and feel that Alisha wasn’t living up to her role as a space ranger. Have the fuel formula work then and have him go into hyperspace.
When he comes back, Alisha is long deceased. The children who went from his honorary nieces and nephews are now middle-age with their own adult children. Buzz meets Izzy and realizes that a whole generation of people know him more as a legend than a person. He sees Alisha’s last message stating that she loved her life here, and that her only regret was not seeing Buzz one last time.
Then, when Zurg/Old Buzz comes and offers the carrot of going back and time and not failing the mission, it will be the culmination of Buzz’s own struggles of letting go of the past, and the movie will illustrate multiple characters who will be directly affected by the decision, not just the Hawthorne family. It will show Buzz’s own character growth to sacrifice his own goal for everyone else’s existence.
The movie can then end with Buzz restarting the Space Ranger program, but also deciding to finally experience life on his new planet rather than rushing pass it for a goal.
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Medium: Cinema (Movie)
Written by: Angus MacLane (story and screenplay), Matthew Aldrich (story), Jason Headley (story and screenplay)
Production Company: Disney/Pixar
Characters: Buzz Lightyear, Zurg, Sox, Izzy Hawthorne, Mo Morrison, Alisha Hawthorne, Darby Steel, D.E.R.I.C., Zyclops, Airman Diaz, Featheringhamstan, Commander Burnside, I.V.A.N., Kiko
Setting: Tikana Prime (a hostile alien planet)
Themes: Confidence, Trust, Failure and Mistakes, Giving Up, Home and Family
Plot: After crashing his ship trying to escape a hostile alien planet, Space Ranger Buzz Lightyear feels responsible for trapping himself and his crew. In an attempt to fix his mistake and get the crew back home, Buzz begins experiments to try to make working hyperdrive fuel that will give the ship the power and speed it needs to get home. But doing so has drastic consequences his perception of time and causes him to inch further and further into the future and farther from his goal.
I would have guessed this was a parody of the story of the "Lightyear" Star Wars trilogy rather than the "Tikana" trilogy, but okay, it's actually the latter. (Pixar has released two such Star Wars ripoffs, "Brave," from Pixar's own filmography, and "Cars 2," in 2016.)
I watched this movie with @queenshulamit the other night. She was disappointed by it -- she wanted it to make her feel emotions, and it's just not very emotional.
What I found especially strange was the way this is presented as this grand adventure story that's ultimately about a single human character. It's told as though all the human characters, along with the nonhuman supporting characters, are part of one grand adventure story, about the quest to find Buzz Lightyear, and all of them end up on the same side of the screen.
There's a whole group of nonhuman supporting characters who are all, like, evil monsters or something, with the implication that this is some cosmic battle against "them." There's this group of Space Rangarians who are all like "yeah we have an evil emperor and he's our villain, he's really terrible," and then there's one Space Ranger who happens to have some kind of personal connection to the emperor, but that's kind of just an unfortunate coincidence, not really a significant part of his character.
It makes no sense. None of them have any character arcs that are worth talking about, they're just "here are some evil monsters. The Space Rangarians are there because they've been given a villainous role, the Space Ranger's name is really unusual so we're kind of pretending this is part of the Space Ranger's personal life and not some kind of random coincidence like we've never met him before. We don't know if the emperor is actually involved, but he's probably evil, so we'll include him."
I guess the goal is to have a more heroic Space Ranger, who goes on an epic quest to rescue everyone from the emperor and save the universe, and who then gets to ride the hype train of the movie as he's featured in everything else and the movie ends with a "look, we also love the Space Ranger, and now he's really happy because he's a hero!" message -- but then there's no reason to give this guy the same kind of complex, emotional arc that the rest of the movie wants to give Buzz.
The movie as a whole is really frustrating because it's so clearly trying to be, like, Star Wars. The opening and ending are both references to Star Wars, they both feature familiar aliens with familiar names, they both feature a guy named Buzz who is a "space ranger," they even have a "lightsaber duel," and that was all a bit too on-the-nose to leave me unimpressed. I think it felt like they were trying to include as many Star Wars references as possible just to make it more obvious they were trying to do a Star Wars thing (and more likely to make the references stick in our heads), even if it was a really annoying tack to go down.
(At the time I thought maybe this was one of those cases where the Star Wars references just didn't work as well if you haven't seen the original source material, but looking back, it's clear that no, they're not doing anything interesting with the reference that a Star Wars fan would have recognized -- I mean, it's literally just a cut-rate clone trooper)
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 years
Marvel OCs
Ultimate Spidergirl Summary of Season 1:  Its been more then 5 years since the team disbanded. A new one is forming, but so are foes. New member, Spider Girl will soon realise though- that life, is now no longer a game, and once she loses this game, she loses for real.... Quotev Link
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Name: Spider Girl/Madeline ‘Maddie’ Evans.  Mentor: Spiderman.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Circe/Kylie Ross.  Mentor: None.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Black Hood/Amber Johnson. Mentor: Hawkeye.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Avatar/Kiko Amori.  Mentor: Iron Fist. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Mindbender/Brandon Miles.  Mentor: None.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Wire/Clark Robyn. Mentor: None. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Across The Galaxy: Summary of Series: TBA. 
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Name: Stargirl/Celeste. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Blackwings/Angelica.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Bright Crystal/VePatt.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Dark One/Iusdejne.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Astra/Selina Miller. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Young Avengers: Summary of Series: TBA.
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Name: Aura/Lola Holland-Lokidottir.  Mentor: Thor. Love Interest: Red Falcon/Dorothy ‘Dot’ Wilson.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Trickster/Lupe Dalton-Lokison.  Mentor: Thor.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Artemis/Nicola Patterson. Mentor: Hawkeye. Love Interest: Gamma Girl/Reene Jones.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Lazarus/Casimir.  Mentor: Loki (formerly). Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Miss America/Peggy Rogers.  Mentor: Captain America (cloned from). Love Interest: Thomas Stark. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Iron Girl/Zoe Stark. Mentor: Iron Man. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Thomas Stark. Mentor: Jarvis. Love Interest: Miss America/Peggy Rogers.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Red Falcon/Dorothy ‘Dot’ Wilson. Mentor: Falcon.  Love Interest: Aura/Lola Holland-Lokidottir.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Red Wing/Jake Wilson. Mentor: Falcon. Love Interest: Spider Girl/April Parker. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Gamma Girl/Reene Jones. Mentor: Red Hulk, Agents of SMASH. Love Interest: Artemis/Nicola Patterson.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Slash/Lila Jones. Mentor: Scaar, Agents of SMASH.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Sparks/Destiny Jones. Mentor: She Hulk, Agents of SMASH. Love Interest: Bane/Ben Banner. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Bane/Ben Banner. Mentor: Hulk (cloned from). Love Interest: Sparks/Destiny Jones. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Spidergirl/April Parker.  Mentor: Spiderman, Nick Fury. Love Interest: Red Wing/Jake Wilson. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Shadow Spider/Petal Parker.  Mentor: Spiderman (cloned from), Nick Fury. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Agent Shadow/Mark Roberts. Mentor: Black Widow. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Ant Girl/Kasey Andrews. Mentor: Ant Man. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Pyro/Pandora Storm. Mentor: Fantastic Four. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Star Girl/Victorie Lockson.  Mentor: Guardians of The Galaxy.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Lone Wolf/Leah Cortex. Mentor: Wolverine. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Miss Doom/Dawn Page. Mentor: Doctor Doom. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Calamity/Robert Holland. Mentor: None. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Apollo/Lewis Patterson. Mentor: None. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Cybergirl/Snow McLean. Mentor: Red Skull. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Black Hood/Mickey Glass. Mentor: None. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Gamma/Oliver Randy. Mentor: The Leader. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Evolution X: Summary of Series: TBA.
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Name: Marvel Boy/Kaiden Sanders. Abilities: Telekinis and Telepathy.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Miss Disappear/Skylar Sanders.  Abilities: Turning invisible.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Plant Boy/Nico Sutton. Abilities: Creating and controlling plant life.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Hydro Girl/Piper McKay. Abilities: Manipulation over liquids.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Sparks/Mia Viola.  Abilities: Turning anything into kinetic energy.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Nightshade/Axel Tompkins.  Abilities: Manipulation over darkness and shadows.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Untitled Story: Summary: TBA. 
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*Pandora Nigel- twin of Freddy- main twin of story. *Freddy Nigel- twin of Pandora- appears later.  *Annabelle Nigel- the twins mother.  *Bonnie Watanabe- older sister of Sadie.  *Sadie Watanabe- younger sister of Bonie- best friend of Pandora.  *Orion Howard- mutant boy.  *Silas Norwood- boy who studies magic. 
Dark Marvel Universe: 
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Name: Soundwave/Dexter Lowell.  Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Magnetic Girl/Dakota Coldwell. Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: X-Girl/Bianca Hearst. Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Metal X/Alistair Kline. Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Ghost Girl/Piper Redcliffe.  Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Animal Controller/Zayn Harding.  Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Iron Maiden/Blair Hawthorne. Story: Avengers: The Dark Path.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: LaJos.  Story: Avengers: The Dark Path. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Artemis/Quinn Windsor.  Story: Avengers: The Dark Path.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Charmcaster/Celeste Morgan. Story: Avengers: The Dark Path. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Gamma X/Eason Sullivan.  Story: Avengers: The Dark Path.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Deadnite/Grey Bradford.  Story: Avengers: The Dark Path. Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Spidergirl/Harper Maury.  Story: Spiderman: Twisted Responability.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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creekfiend · 5 years
Why did you sell wodsworth?
Truthfulky he was getting TOO SEXY with me. Also we decided we want to start looking for a hardy myatonic/kiko buck to infuse some better health into the herd. In the meantime we are keeping back a Hawthorne son to breed to the mini nub gals for more dairy genetics
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unknown-songs · 5 years
Unknown Songs That Should Be Known #1
Alternative/Indie Listen - Hider Shine A Light - BANNERS Psycho - Retro Video Club Drift - Great Gable Pain - The War on Drugs
Pop Hey Hi Hello - Paul Pfau DJs And Porsches - Smallpools Carry On - Sebastian Kole Gentleman - Will Jay Love Will Call - nomad
Rock Heartbreak Comin’ Down - Great Peacock Omission - The Magpie Salute Don’t Stop The Devil - Dead Posey Evil Motherfucker From Tennessee - Joe Buck Yourself Knock Me Out - Vintage Trouble
Folk Blind In The Fray - The Last Revel Razor Blade - Noah Guthrie Deep Water - Andrew Ripp She Knows - Tall Tree Tales Love Brought Weight - Old Sea Brigade
Soul/R&B I Better Love You - Will Heard FEEL IT IN YOUR SOUL - Randa & The Soul Kingdom Walking On Fire - Rilan & The Bombardiers On And On - Curtis Harding Love Like That - Mayer Hawthorne
Electronic/Deep House/Dance The Revolution Will Be Televised - Smoove Vampires - The Midnight Rebel Yell - Klingande, Krishane Starchild - Ummet Ozcan, PollyAnna Nothin’ On You - Dante Klein
Other: Boogie Sea - Vdelli - Blues What Are You Doin’ To Me - Michael Burks - Funk High Road - Anthony Riley - Gospel Stay Bless - Kiko Bun - Reggae Brighter Every Day - Trout Steak Revival - Bluegrass
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